Friday, October 4, 2013


                                  Install the application on phone memory only         
                                          Blackberry Phone Users Click Here
                                                  Android Tablet users click here                            
                                                  Android Phone Users Click Here 
                                        Nokia / Symbian & Other Brands Users Click Here
                                          Rs.100/- FREE Mobile Topup Offer Terms & Conditions:
                                1. You need to have active GPRS/data plan throughout the participation period.
                              2. SmartMeter must be active on your mobile for 20+ days in a calendar month.
                           3. Participants must click on the SmartPhoneMate icon as well as restart their mobile                                                  device twice daily.
                        Tip - early mornings and late evenings are the best time to restart and ensure connectivity.
                                                             4. Participants must not change SIM / handset
                                                       5. Participants must participate in a Monthly Survey.
                                          6. Participants must share their complete & correct demographic profile.
                7. Active participation implies we receive notifications to our server 4 times daily for a period of at                           least 20 days in a calendar month.
        8. Participation in calculated on a calendar month basis and TopUps are processed in the first 2 weeks of the next month.
9. You consent to receive SMS/Email/Notifications/Alerts from SmartPhoneMate. (irresepective of your NDNC/DND status)
                                            I agree to Terms & Conditions

                                                  Register & Join
                                                    SmartPhoneMate Research Program
                                                      Customer Support: +91 9699526275
                                                      Monday - Friday (except holidays)
                                                                    10:00am - 07:00pm